The Newyorkers

Street Photography

Street photography and free thoughts about The Newyorkers.

The Newyorkers is an unserious project. If I took it seriously, I wouldn’t finish it. Street photography is a poison; it is addictive and almost always self-destructive. The only merit of street photography is wandering around, destroying clothes and shoes. The street is not for everyone, it is too human and raw. Street photographs cannot be reduced to people walking backward; if there is no emotion, there is no difference with a surveillance camera. Chance, as the fundamental axis of all photographs; chance is a miracle.

I do not have formal analyzes at hand. The street: where multiple universes collide, creating the perfect bustle. The street is humanity and the aesthetic of the daily miracle.

Among mischief, tragedy, and anxiety; three noncoetaneous states that I need to conceive street photography. Wasting streets in New York, a city of garbage, flowers, smiles, tears, sweat, and a pizza with coke. Color and black and white coincide in two parallel worlds: visual poetry and emotional harmony. Fury is chaos, violence, and lack of control.

New York is -the- fury. Freestyle is not by fashion; it is for necessity. An altered and in a crisis state, overflowing humanity. The feelings and sensations influence the image, the framing, the color, or the contrast, so much hatred and fury. Lots of adrenaline and redemption. Pain is understood, assimilated, it invades people and it does not abandon them, but the goal is not happiness, it is conformity of being with oneself. People in the street are my own characters, the circus of life; my language sometimes is discomfort and provocation; other times love and affection.

Humanity and coexistence’s limits. When I’m walking down the street, I see hands and faces: the gestures of humanity. The tenderness of children, the miracle in street photography. Respect is a subjective issue; as long as it is in the legal framework, limits can be pushed. A stranger into everyone’s city.

Everybody dreams of belonging, but I do dream of the freedom to flee. A cowboy shooting and killing moments, the becoming; shot after shot. Anonymity is the best tool for taking photos on the street.

Thank you

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